Monday 2 April 2018

Cooking lesson

Today we were invited to go to a family home where we could learn how to make 3 vegetarian dishes a bread and a rice.
The family was lovely the lady of the house showed us firstly how to make masala chai tea (yes I will be making this at home). We then got shown how to make vegetable pakoras and had the opportunity to cook them ourselves.

She then showed us kopfa, which is similar to a potato croquette but had cashew, raisin and paneer. She then made a nutty onion paste to go with it as well as chick pea masala. While these were cooking she made pilau rice and chipatties.
We then ate what had been made for lunch. The food was incredible and the spices that went in were amazing.

While we ate her husband told us about their family life and how the lady brought up 14 children and how they had an arranged marriage 35years ago. He said in their family like most Indian families the wife is in charge of the house the man goes out to work he comes home with the money and gives it to her she manages the finances, the food everything he said men are nothing without lady.
We also got an extra treat of ice cream with rose sauce as it had been their sons birthday the day before and even though the husbands mum was ill they had ice cream to celebrate and wanted to share it with us.
They also showed us family albums of his daughters wedding and explained that Indian weddings last for 5 days and the bride has different dresses for each day, he also said in one photo when he gives his daughter away he is crying because it felt like his arm was being removed.
Finally they showed us another house on their land which they have opened up to artists are crafts people to sell their work, inside there was rugs, ornaments, pashminas and wall hangings all with so much detail on and beautiful pieces which were cheaply priced considering how much time and craft must have gone into them.


  1. Beautiful carpets. I used to be assistant manager in an oriental carpet warehouse. I couldn't believe how cheap they are bought for and how expensive we would sell them for.
