Sunday 25 March 2018

Agra fort and the Taj Mahal

This morning after we arrived in Agra we had the option to go on a guided tour of Agra fort the 2nd biggest fort in India which is over 450years old. It is made out of red sandstone and still visible throughout the different rooms are remnants of the paintings which were on the walls at the time.
Part of the fort is built in marble which was built after the Taj Mahal and it was built to keep the king who built the Taj Mahal imprisoned by his own son who felt his dad was wasting all his treasure constantly building monuments.
The marble walls have gemstones built in them in intricate patterns. When you compare we were building the tower of London at around the same time the architecture doesn't compare.

Then layer we went to the famous Taj Mahal, it is like nothing I have ever seen and it was crazy busy.
The Taj Mahal was built by the king after his wife died. On her deathbed she had three requests of him to look after her children to look after the family and to build a palace for her and Taj Mahal is that palace her grave is inside after he died his body and grave is inside next to hers and once a year in the summer they open the tombs cover them with cloths and flowers to celebrate her life.
Taj Mahal like agra fort has the similar patterns all made with the gemstones.

Also at the Taj Mahal I learnt what it feels like to be a celebrity. Everyone and anyone wants ththeir picture taken with you and once one person asks if it's ok a crowd come over and you stood or sat smiling at cameras for like the next 10mins you have children shoved at you family photos all sorts it's crazy.

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