Saturday 24 March 2018

India train

This morning I was up at 4.15am to go and get the first Indian train on the journey.
We caught the train at 6am. The journey was Delhi to Agra which was due to take 2-3hours. Luckily the train was on time as we had been warned trains are delayed regularly sometimes a few minutes sometimes 24hours.
After being in the queue for a few minutes we turned round and saw the queue behind us now was massive.

The train pulled in it looked nothing like the ones you see on tv with people hanging off and climbing on the roofs and we all had assigned seats.
The only way to explain the inside is it was similar to the English old slam door trains slightly outdated but not too bad.

We got served breakfast on the train which was two savoury doughnuts and something which was similar to a vegetable cous cous a spicy soup and a chilli milk.
We were also given tea biscuits and juice.
As we exited at Agra station taxi drivers attempted to approach everyone obviously trying to get the fares first military police quickly pushed them straight back onto the pavement to prevent them hassling people leaving.

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