Thursday 22 March 2018

Arriving in Delhi

My journey started yesterday when I left Heathrow airport. I have now just arrived in my hotel in Delhi for this part of my journey I am staying in the c park inn hotel. I had asked the hotel to send a driver but for some reason they didn't. So I had no choice but to use one of the prepaid cabs enter the first scam of the holiday after paying for my taxi a man who had followed me over grabbed my suitcase and walked me to the taxi rank he then demanded a tip all I had was 50rupee but he spotted a English £5 note and wanted that I firmly told him he took the 50rupee or nothing so he took it and left.
The journey to the hotel was interesting there appear to be no road rules it's every driver for himself if they want to move lanes they will no matter who is in the way if a lane isn't free they will just invent their own lane. Horns are used the whole time as well all you will hear is people beeping at each other.
The hotel is small and basic but at least it's somewhere to sleep.
Ventured out briefly on foot there isn't too much around the hotel.
So far the worst thing I have encountered which I knew and expected was a stray dog now anyone who knows me knows that dogs are my weakness but I came face on with this poor creature who gave me the saddest pleading eyes it broke my heart but I had to walk away from the poor little thing. 

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